
Regional Repercussions of the July 15 Coup Attempt

The coup attempt of July 15, 2016 has an important place in maintaining regional stability. This attempt has presented new opportunities for the challenges faced by Turkey both regionally and globally. After July 15th, the focus of Turkish foreign policy shifted to regional security. In this context, the year 2016 has been a turning point for surrounding countries and existing threats, especially terrorism. Turkey, as a playmaker in the region, has resolutely endeavored to provide confidence and stability.

Believing in the necessity of keeping the social memory of the coup attempt alive, the Center for Middle Eastern Studies (ORSAM) organizes a panel to demonstrate that Turkey continues its struggle for democracy and full independence both at home and abroad and how the resolution of the Turkish nation traverses borders and provides inspiration for others. Among the most obvious examples in the region, the Qatar embargo, the operations in northern Syria against terrorism and the operations in Libya will be handled in the panel.

Turkish - English simultaneous translation will be available.

Date: July 15th, 2022 Friday
Time: 11.30-13.00
Venue: Zoom and ORSAM Youtube Channel

Prof. Ahmet UYSAL, ORSAM Director

Prof. Cengiz Tomar, Vice Chancellor of Ahmet Yesevi University

Prof. Muhittin Ataman, Head of International Relations Department of Social Sciences University of Ankara

Mustafa Elsagezli, BINA Program Director