
PKK threats to the security of Turkmen in Iraq

After the terrorist attack of the PKK against Turkish soldiers in Northern Iraq in 2019 and then the dangerous terrorist attack that took place at...

Turkmen City that has changed the Fate of Iraq: Amirli

Amirli (Emirli) is a Turkmen district of the Province of Salahaddin in Iraq. It is one of the Turkmen regions well known in Iraq due to its history,...

Endless ISIS Persecution: Abducted Turkmen Women

Serious human rights violations occurred when the terrorist organization ISIS took control of Iraq's Mosul and Saladin provinces in June 2014....

Situation of the Turkmens in the 62nd Anniversary of the Kirkuk Massacre

Many massacres were committed against the Turkmens, the third largest segment of the society in the Kingdom of Iraq that was established in 1921 by...

The Situation of Turkmen Migrants From Talafar and The Future of Talafar

Talafar has been one of the most affected regions by the actions of ISIS since the terrorist organization started to gain control over Iraqi...

The Situation of Turkmens and The Turkmen Areas After ISIS

ISIS has become a main item in the relations international agenda after its capture of Mosul in June 2014. Its impact has transcended beyond the...

Deepening Syrian Crisis: What Kind of Strategy Should Turkmen Follow?

Turkmen, one of the oldest communities of Syria, have struggled with the in human attacks of both Assad regime and terrorist organizations since...

The Turkmen Reality in Syria

Turkmens constitute an important part of the social life in Syria. They carry on a “struggle for honor and freedom” against the regime,...